
Quizbeard #11

Stephen Griffin Season 1 Episode 11

Technology, Musical First Lines, Words, True or False and General Knowledge.  These are your subjects for today’s quiz, so get yourselves comfy and grab a drink for Quizbeard number 11.

Welcome to Quizbeard number eleven.  I hope everyone’s keeping safe and well at the moment as the isolation drags on for another week.  Today’s quiz follows fairly well-established form – 25 questions over five subject rounds with 30 points available in total, as you can play your Black Spot card on any nominated round before the first question in that round has been asked.  This allows you to earn double points on those five answers, and those five answers only.  If you have any questions on how to play, please check Quizbeard.com/how for details.

And, as always, please remember to visit the website at quizbeard.com and to like and subscribe to the podcast where you can.  If you can give a rating or review on itunes or whichever podcast app you use, I’d really appreciate it and, if you’d like to help keep Quizbeard up and running, you can now do so through my support page, which you can access by visiting Quizbeard.com/support.  Patrons of the show will receive benefits including online entry to the all-new prize competitions feature that will be launching very soon, so please check the support page for details.  As always, you can get in touch via the usual social media channels which can be found at Quizbeard.com.  Thanks today go to Anne Lynch, who suggested the musical first lines round and, if you’d like to suggest a topic for a round or submit some questions, please give me a shout.

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Thanks for playing!